úterý 14.05.2024

Pragosport won the tender for streaming the First League for betting purposes outside Czechia

Pragosport won the tender for streaming the First League for betting purposes outside Czechia

úterý 14.05.2024
The First League streaming licence for betting purposes outside the Czech Republic was tendered for the next five seasons starting 2024/25 and ending 2028/29. Having expressed a serious interest in acquiring the rights, several entities entered the tender. In a two-round tender in which the only evaluation criterion for winner was the offered price, Pragosport submitted the best one. The contract is going to bring a revenue of lower tens of millions Czech crowns to Czech professional football yearly.

The First League streaming licence for betting purposes outside the Czech Republic was tendered for the next five seasons starting 2024/25 and ending 2028/29. Having expressed a serious interest in acquiring the rights, several entities entered the tender.

In a two-round tender in which the only evaluation criterion for winner was the offered price, Pragosport submitted the best one. The contract is going to bring a revenue of lower tens of millions Czech crowns to Czech professional football yearly.